The causes of PE can be physical or psychological. A combination of both may act in patients already developed a tendency to ejaculate early.
Possible physical causes:
- Over-sensitive glans of penis
- Erectile dysfunction
- Diabetes
- Redundant foreskin
- Disorders of the nervous system
- Any inflammation involved the genital organ, e.g., prostate infection
- Injury in the abdomen or groin area
Possible psychological causes:
- Marital and relationship problems with partner
- Performance anxiety, especially to new partner
- Fear (associated with concerns regarding getting caught or discovered, sexually transmitted diseases or potential pregnancy)
- Guilt (believing the activity is sinful e.g., premarital or extramarital sex)
- Wrong perception of sex
Other possible causes:
- Wrong masturbation techniques
- Drugs, e.g., pseudoephedrine, the drug which is taken for the treatment of common cold.
- Infrequent sex