Method of Treatments

If obesity or aging is the cause, a concealed penis (buried/hidden penis) may be reversed with weight loss and strengthening of the abdominal muscles. In other cases, surgical repair can be considered. There are different surgical procedures depend on different patients' situations. Usually, a circum-coronal incision will be made, the penile skin will be degloved down to the penis base. The penis will then be released forward from its surround fascia. The deep fascia of the penis is subsequently anchored to the skin at the peno-pubic junction. The penile skin is pull forward and the wound is sutured. If patients have tight foreskin problem, circumcision can be conducted at the same time. For adult patients whom with excessive suprapubic fat, a liposuction procedure can be conducted to further improve the outcome.

The surgery takes around one hour. The wound will be covered with surgical-grade skin adhesive. Most patients can take shower as usual 24 hours following surgery. The topical skin adhesive will go away gradually after about 1 week. Clients are recommended to resume swimming and sexual activities at least 2 weeks and 1 month respectively.

1. The shaft of the penis is buried below the surface of the pubic skin.


2. A circum-coronal incision is made. The penile skin is degloved down to the penis base. The penis is released forward from its surround fascia.


3. The deep fascia of the penis is anchored to the skin at the peno-public junction. The penile skin is pull forward and the wound is sultured.

Surgery for concealed penis (buried/hidden penis) is not recommended for children before primary school as some situation may resolve automatically when the children grow older.

For further information or to make an appointment, please call MHS on (852) 2375-3322.
