Depending on your type of hair loss, treatments are available. Different treatments work for some people but not for others. If you find your treatment is not effective for your type of hair loss, you may consider trying different hairstyles or wigs, toupees or hair weaves. Below are some options of treatment in the market:

Propecia is an oral drug which facilitates hair growth and at the same time prevents further hair loss. It is clinically proven that Propecia stopped hair loss in over 80% of participants and 64% showed hair regrowth. However, Propecia can cause side effects such as low libido, erectile dysfunction, ejaculation disorders and gynecomastia (breast tenderness & enlargement). Most men are concerned about losing their sex drive and performance and therefore give up Propecia.

Herbal remedies claims to help decrease hair loss. Some of which only promote blood circulation leading to growth of hair but do not bring significant hair regrowth.

Hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which viable hair from the back of the scalp are relocated to the areas where hair has gone thin or bald. The process is painful and often requires several sessions to complete. The surgery costs over HK$200,000 for the whole head. Shedding of pre-existing hair at the transplant region might occur because of circulation issues caused by local surgery shock. Healthy hair originally present at the transplant area will be affected. Growth will be inhibited or retarded and the new hair will appear obviously thinner.

Hair weaving attaches human or synthetic hair to existing hair either by sewing or gluing. Hari weaving can sometimes be painful. This is because in order to place the weave, your hair must be tightly braided along the scalp. If the hair weave is done incorrectly, they may be too tight causing headaches.
A hair weave can be an expensive habit to start. Once the hair has started to grow in, the extensions can be seen very easily, making it obvious that you have a hair weave. Hair weaving needs to be done every 1 to 2 months. Each weaving session costs around HK$2000 so hair weaving might be a high maintenance beauty routine.

Using a wig or a toupee is a quick and efficient way to cover hair loss. They are available in a wide variety of types and styles. Nowadays, many wigs and toupees are made from natural human hair and can be styled according to your preference. They can be worn in water and in windy conditions without worrying it falling off from your head. A high quality custom-made wig or toupee may cost a few thousand to ten thousand Hong Kong dollars but can last up to 18 months.
For further information or to make an appointment, please call MHS on (852) 2375-3322.